While we teach different courses to different age groups- We share these computer lab rules. In fact, these rules are almost standard rules no matter what computer lab you enter from elementary school to college.
The video was made on Windows Movie Maker (which we have installed on all of our computers! OR you could download the program- free for windows computers) The audio was recorded on Audacity (http://www.audacityteam.org/). Though, you could simply use Movie Maker itself. I also used Photoshop (which we also have on our computers) to manipulate some of the photos (pssst I don't have a pack of wild dogs in the computer lab)
If you want to take a behind the scenes tour of the video check out our google folder here
The video was really fun to shoot once we had a plan! I always start my ideas with paper and pencil because I'm an old man... Then we used a google doc to write our script and organize photos/videos so we could collaborate.
A few hours of work and we finished it up!
*Advice* for all of you readers out there- Always do the visual media first (Photos+video) THEN do audio. I got this tip from doing a Powtoon presentation (which I highly recommend to anyone out there) and it's helped my story telling exponentially.
*Tip #2* When you have to write an essay for school- ask if you can make a video instead - Do some research online- There are a lot of convincing arguments and it's much more fun :D