First thing's first: NO POWER TOOLS
Second: Please be on your best behavior! I know all you want to do is cut wood, run and throw rocks at trains but today I need you all to be classy ladies and gentlemen. If you aren't...I'll know and will make Friday less fun for you.
6th grade: I'd like everyone to have their last day of CodeCombat be today. You all know what to do! If someone is stuck, please help each other out!
7th grade/8th grade: Demchak is a pretty well established tree-hugger (Did you know all the wood we used are from certified sustainable forests?) Lately, with certain...political characters, I feel our environment is under dire threat. Please watch 'the Lorax' and on a piece of paper answer the following questions:
1) What connections can you draw from themes in the movie to themes in our lives?
2) To what extent is Monroe, CT like Thneedville?
3) Have you ever thought of where the materials from your possessions come from? "
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